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Calling all Red Velvet recipes!  Anyone?  If you have a favorite, let me know.  

I'm going to pick and try my favorite next week.  

Pictures and testimonies to come...


Betty Crocker meets P-Dub

My first attempt at a spice cake and while searching for a good recipe, I decided that Betty Crocker was a good starting point.  *By the way, next time, I'll double the recipe. A four layer cake would've been much better than a 2 layer cake.*

I found the cake, but what about a good cream cheese frosting?  I just got Pioneer Woman's new cookbook from Mr. Sweet P. for Christmas and I remembered seeing something about a red velvet cake.  Sure enough, there was an AWESOME looking cream cheese frosting recipe.

Betty Crocker, meet Pioneer Woman...

They make a great pair don't you think?


It's another Girl...

I just love using Color Flow to create fun sugar forms to enhance my cakes.  It adds dimension and tastes yummy too!  This cake was for a baby shower for yet another baby girl.  Congrats Jenny!


Baby Blocks

Baby girls are so sweet, and it seems that every woman I know who's pregnant is having one, with the exception of a few.

Here's a baby block cake I recently did for one such baby girl.  The first photo shows how I matched the colors and style of the decorations, so that the cake would coordinate.